"Denise recently lost her pet Dallas"

What is next? Your Pet, Your Livestock, or a Child. When will it stop.

“A wolf killed my pet, Texas, in my front yard as I tried to save him and my children.”

“The DNR agent told me I was ‘in the wrong place at the wrong time.’  I was in my own front yard at the wrong time.’

I was in my own front yard at 6:30 in the morning watching my dogs!

When the people we hire have attitudes like that, it’s time for change.

After days of crying, I decided to get involved and help make changes.

Those changes start with voting for leaders who share our values!”

Denise Coron
Oneida County, WI

Hunter Nation Virtual Campfire | Keith Mark & Congressman Tom Tiffany | Wisconsin Wolf Victims Speak Out

Join host Keith Mark in this powerful episode of the Hunter Nation Virtual Campfire as he is joined by Wisconsin Congressman Tom Tiffany to discuss the Trust the Science Act. This emotional conversation also features firsthand stories from recent wolf victims, Denise C., Greg M., and Scotty M., who share their life-altering experiences. Chris Vaughan, Hunter Nation's Wisconsin State Director, provides a crucial update on the state’s wolf population and the ongoing efforts to delist the gray wolf.

Don't miss this important conversation and learn how you can take action to help. Join Hunter Nation and support the movement to delist the gray wolf here:

Live | August, 2024

Help Delist the Gray Wolf

Keep the Herd Healthy Tee

Keep the Herd Healthy "Smoke" a Pack a Day

100% of the proceeds are used to support Hunter Nation's efforts to Delist the Gray Wolf in the Lower 48 States.


Wisconsin Impact

In 2000 Wisconsin hunters harvested over 615,293 Whitetail Deer, in 2023 the deer harvest is currently under 300,000

248 wolves in 2000 have grown to over 1,000 today that is 300%.

The 2023 firearms season was the lowest on record, statewide deer harvest was down nearly 20% from 2022.

2000 thru 2008 - 486,274 Avg Deer Harvest

2009 thru 2023 - 325,225 Avg. Deer Harvest

That is an average of 161,045 (33%) fewer Deer Harvested since Since 2008 when the Wolf population exceeded 550.


Due to unmanaged populations, wolves are a real threat to wildlife, hunting and more...

Wolves are apex predators, meaning no animals kill wolves except man. A mature wolf eats more than 22 elk per year.  If their diet is deer, they eat 30-50 of those per year. If moose is on their menu, each wolf eats nearly 20 per year.

Unmanaged wolf populations very quickly destroy the delicate balance of nature’s habitat and carrying capacity. Managing predator populations, especially apex predators like the wolf, is extremely important if we are to maintain this delicate balance. Predictably, the federal government has failed on this issue. It should be left to each state to manage all wildlife within their state borders, including the wolf.

Too many wolves will result in too few, and ultimately, no prey populations. Hunters, and true nature lovers, want to see abundant and healthy populations of all wild animals. As beautiful as wolves are, can we not agree that deer, elk, and moose are also beautiful. It would be tragic to allow the unmanaged wolf path to continue, as the result would be further decimation of and possibly the extinction of deer, elk, and moose. It is up to us to strike a balance and manage all wildlife, predator, and prey alike.

The chart and graph displayed here shows just how detrimental unmanaged wolf populations are. With wolf populations exploding at the rate of nearly 750%. Meanwhile, elk populations are down 75%, moose populations are down 80%, and deer harvest numbers are down over 55%.  These trends are unsustainable.

Take Action Today

We need you to contact US Senator Tammy Baldwin and urge her to VOTE YES and Delist the Gray Wolf with NO judicial review!

  • Hunter Nation Support

    We supported Congressman Tom Tiffany (WI-7) and Congresswoman Lauren Boebert’s (CO-03) “Trust the Science” bill, that calls for the delisting of the gray wolf, with no judicial review. With Hunter Nation’s support and effort, that bill was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last month.  The bill is now in the U.S. Senate and Hunter Nation is working hard to make this much needed, science based conservation legislation, the law of the land.  However, we can’t do it alone. Hunter Nation needs your help to get this bill passed!

  • Hunters Call to Action

    Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin may ultimately cast the deciding vote.  I’m asking you to reach out to her and let her know that, as a hunter, this is an important issue to you and your family. Let her know that Wisconsin had the lowest gun hunting deer harvest in recorded history, in 2023, due to the unmanaged wolf population.  Also, let her know that you are aware she is up for reelection in November and that you will make sure that hunters in Wisconsin know whether she is on the side of hunters, or not.  You can reach her at her Senate office at 202-224-5653. Tell her that Hunter Nation asked you to call!


Enter 2024/25 Dream Hunt Sweepstakes

Enter 2024/25 Dream Hunt Sweepstakes

This is your opportunity to Win One of Three Dream Hunts for Two Hunters.

  • Texas Buffalo Hunt for Two with Michael Waddell in Winter/Spring of 2025

  • Utah Elk Hunt for Two in Fall of 2025

  • Texas Red Stag for Two in Fall of 2025

An adventure of a lifetime for you and your favorite hunting buddy.

Enter Today to Help support Hunter Nation's ongoing efforts in Responsible Predator Management and Delisting the Gray Wolf.

30 Entries
to WIN

30 Entries to WIN $35

  • Texas Buffalo Hunt for Two in Spring 2025 (10 Entries)
  • Utah Elk Hunt for Two in Fall 2025 (10 Entries)
  • Texas Red Stag Hunt for Two in Fall 2025 (10 Entries)
  • Hunter Nation Annual Base Membership

60 Entries
to WIN

60 Entries to WIN $50

  • Texas Buffalo Hunt for Two in Spring 2025 (20 Entries)
  • Utah Elk Hunt for Two in Fall 2025 (20 Entries)
  • Texas Red Stag Hunt for Two in Fall 2025 (20 Entries)
  • Hunter Nation Annual Base Membership

150 Entries
to WIN

150 Entries to WIN $100

  • Texas Buffalo Hunt for Two in Spring 2025 (50 Entries)
  • Utah Elk Hunt for Two in Fall 2025 (50 Entries)
  • Texas Red Stag Hunt for Two in Fall 2025 (50 Entries)
  • Hunter Nation Annual Base Membership

300 Entries
to WIN

300 Entries to WIN $200

  • Texas Buffalo Hunt for Two in Spring 2025 (100 Entries)
  • Utah Elk Hunt for Two in Fall 2025 (100 Entries)
  • Texas Red Stag Hunt for Two in Fall 2025 (100 Entries)
  • Hunter Nation Annual Base Membership

Our Plan

Our plan is simple, but it won’t be easy.

  • Educate & Unite Americans

    It’s time for hunters, conservationists, and all Americans who care about honest wildlife management, based on sound science, to stand up and loudly state the truth about wolves. Hunter Nation has assembled a team of experts and influencers who are committed to getting the truth out.

  • Get The Truth Out

    The time has come for the wolf to be an asset instead of a political pawn to be used by the anti-hunting, anti-science, so called “animal rights” groups. Wolf reintroduction efforts are a conservation success! Wolf populations have met all recovery goals and the wolf needs to be delisted immediately.

  • Delist The Wolf

    Hunter Nation will continue to work to get Congress to pass H.R. 764, the “Trust The Science Act”. This bill will legislatively delist the gray wolf in the lower 48 states with no judicial review. Thus eliminating the Left’s use of liberal judges to block sound wildlife management.



  1. Robert Tucker on October 10, 2024 at 10:07 pm

    I will be calling both T Baldwin an R Johnson about pushing the “Trust the science” through the Senate. And thank you Hunter Nation for your work on getting the Gary wolf delisted.

  2. Christine Hare on October 15, 2024 at 3:03 pm

    On September 24 2024 I was sitting in my hot tub on the deck. We have a big lawn, then a small field, then woods 75 yards from our deck. at 5:45 am I saw a creature which I thought was a deer cross the lane. Then another crossed and my dog perked up and went down by the wood pile and was barking his warning bark of whatever was there. I thought they were deer but Asher doesn’t bark at deer. Then a wolf steps out of the woods 20 feet from my dog. It lays down, crosses his front legs and motioned to Asher to come play. Asher held his distance. At this time I get out of the hot tub and the wolf retreated back into the woods. Two minutes later our neighbor’s dog was barking like crazy. That is too close for comfort for me. 75 yards from our house and fearless of our dog.

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