
Messages from Mark

Messages from Mark

Mark DeYoung, Hunter Nation CEO


Embracing Our Principles

Embracing Our Principles

July 2019

July marks a month when we revisit the founding of our Nation and the principles that have made the United States of America the greatest country in the world. These principles include faith in God, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, individual liberty, due process, patriotism, and more. Here at Hunter Nation we proudly embrace these principles and stand tall in defense of God, Family, Country, Conservation and Hunting.

As Theodore Roosevelt once stated:
“Hardy outdoor sports like hunting, are in themselves of no small value to the National character and should be encouraged in every way.”

This great hunter and conservationist also stated;
“There is no objection to a reasonable amount of hunting, the encouragement of a proper hunting spirit, and a proper love of sport. Instead of being incompatible with a love of nature and wild things, hunting offers our best guarantee for the preservation of wild things.”

Hunter Nation was organized to:

  • Promote and protect the right to hunt.
  • Promote hunting as a way of life.
  • Promote the expansion, improvement, and protection of habitat for wildlife.
  • Encourage future generations to carry on the great American hunting tradition.
  • Educate the public regarding hunting, wildlife, habitat and legislation and leaders that promote or impede these objectives.
  • Safeguard and increase access to hunting lands.
  • Combat threats to hunting, wildlife, and habitat.
  • Build management systems that produce abundant herds and flocks of game.
  • Promote the ideals of God, Family, and Country, including the founding principles of the Constitution of the United States of America

All too often hunters fail to actively engage in protecting their right to hunt and risk the loss of the very things they cherish and hold dear – time in the hunting camp with family and friends, access to hunt on public lands, and the ability to be a key  part of wildlife management and conservation. Hunter Nation is focused on ensuring we never loose these rights and that our traditional hunting way of life is passed on to future generation.

To celebrate our Nation’s birthday, we are offering a chance to win a very personal deer hunt with Hunter Nation Advisory Board member Ted Nugent.  This hunt will take place at Ted’s place in Michigan and you can purchase your chance(s) to win this incredible hunt at  Good luck!

Thank you for your support of Hunter Nation and hunting. 


Mark W. DeYoung

Hunters are America’s Conservationists.