Pennsylvania hunters have not been allowed to hunt on all Sundays for years. However, a Senate bill in Pennsylvania would fully repeal the state’s limits on Sunday hunting.

We need your help today (10/04). It’s time to make our voices heard and protect our hunting heritage, as well as provide more opportunities to hunters.

We urge you to reach out and request that your Pennsylvania State Representative vote “YES” on Senate Bill 67 (SB67), which would fully repeal the prohibition on Sunday Hunting in the Commonwealth. This important piece of legislation could be up for a vote in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives on any day, so please act now.


Take Action Now Today:

Please call and message your Pennsylvania State Representative
and express your support for SB67:

Messaging Guide:
"Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am a concerned citizen and a hunter from [Your Town]. I am calling to urge Representative [Your Representative’s Name] to support SB67, which will fully repeal the prohibition on Sunday hunting in Pennsylvania.

Your Pennsylvania State Representative may ultimately cast the deciding vote.  I am asking you to reach out to your State Representative and let them know that as a Pennsylvania hunter, this is an important issue to you and your family. Let them know that Pennsylvanians want this much needed change to fully allow hunting for all species on Sundays.
Tell them how the prohibition on Sunday hunting negatively impacts you and your family. How it reduces your valuable time and opportunities to participate in hunting. Let them know how work and family obligations take up much of your time, and how the opportunity to hunt on Sundays would allow you to have more flexibility in your hectic life. Also, let them know that you are aware they are up for reelection in November and that you will be voting in that election.  You can reach your Pennsylvania State Representative’s office by using the “Find Your Legislator” link provided above CALL AND/OR EMAIL THEM TODAY. Tell them that Hunter Nation asked you to call!

Your voice matters in this crucial effort to provide opportunities, and to preserve our hunting lifestyle. Let’s work together to ensure that sound conservation principles guide our nation's wildlife management. Thank you for standing up and taking action.

We are the largest grassroots organization that is on the front lines fighting to protect American Hunters and our Hunting Lifestyle. Repealing this outdated “Blue Law” and providing more opportunities for hardworking Pennsylvanians, like yourself, is long overdue. The collective cry was, “Something must be done!”  Hunter Nation heard that cry and has been working hard trying to get the prohibition on Sunday hunting fully repealed. Pennsylvania is one of the last states in the country that still practices this prohibition on Sunday hunting. With your help, we are hoping to join the vast majority of states which allow Sunday hunting.

We are Hunter Nation, and we will defend the hunt and protect your rights. Join us!

God Bless,


Keith Mark
Founder and President
Hunter Nation

Hunter Nation Pennsylvania


For More Information and Ways to Help, Contact Team Hunter Nation in Pennsylvania.

John Bingaman

Pennsylvania State Director

Dan Sneath
Regional Director (South Central PA)
[email protected]

Tim Hellings
Vice Director (Eastern PA)
[email protected]

Mike Fetterman
Regional Director (Western PA)
[email protected]

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