Hunter Nation Newsletter
August 2024

Hello all!

As I write these lines, there are only 5 days until dove season and 20 days until the Kansas whitetail bow opener. Both are very important days in the Mark household for sure! However, that is not the biggest day circled on my calendar. There are only 70 days until the November 5 election day. For some of you, the very thought of politics or voting is a nonstarter. If you are one of those hunters, please give me 5 minutes and hear me out. I promise, I won’t be telling you who to vote for!

If we would all be honest with ourselves, regardless of what the mainstream media says, our lives are not better than they were 4 years ago. Even an old bowhunter like me can see that gas and grocery prices are at all-time highs and inflation is soaring. Due to an open southern border, millions and millions of illegal invaders are pouring into our country and stealing our blue collar jobs and bringing with them killing drugs and increased crime rates, the likes our country has never seen. The hard truth of the matter is that our hunting lifestyle, really all our Traditional American Values, are under attack.

 Hunter Nation Founder Keith Mark & Hunter Nation Chairman of the Board Rock Bordelon kickoff July meeting in Wisconsin

Unmanaged wolf populations are decimating game herds in every state they roam unmanaged. My northern Michigan friends tell me that there are hardly any deer left in the Upper Peninsula and that trend is spreading to all of Michigan.

My Wisconsin friends just experienced the lowest rifle season deer harvest in recorded history. Unmanaged wolf populations have exploded, and the deer populations have plummeted. The Governor and the WI DNR still refuse to approve a wolf management plan that would call for population goals for the wolf. Think about it, every public building in Wisconsin has a human capacity limit, yet the same government that tells us when there are too many people in a bar or bowling alley, won’t tell us what capacity of wolves on the Wisconsin landscape is too many. In addition to the deer herd destruction, wolves are killing livestock and pets at alarming numbers. You will hear some of these tragic stories below.

My Minnesota friends tell me the same story regarding the wolf devastation that is going on to their deer herds, livestock and pets. They also tell me that their governor, who is now wanting to be the next vice-president of our country, and their DNR, through their Fish and Wildlife Division, is purposely trying to put deer farmers and hunters out of business.

My friends out west have similar stories about wolves. They also have tragic stories about unmanaged bear and cougar populations. Yet, the Left wants more wolves, more bears, and more cougars, across the country, while blocking any science-based management of those animals.

Fish and Game agencies across America are promulgating laws and regulations to limit access to hunting and to make complying with the rules more difficult for us hunters. You must ask yourself “why do they keep doing this to us?” The answer is not as complicated as you would think.
The Left and anti-hunting and anti-gun groups know that they will never be able to pass laws that would immediately ban hunting and guns. So, they are playing the long game. They know that if they can destroy the deer, elk, moose, turkey, etc., populations, then there will be nothing left to hunt. Hence, no hunters. Then, no hunting.

Think about it, if you took your son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter or a prospective hunter out to hunt and they saw no deer, do you really think they would want to become hunters? With an already aging and declining hunter population, how many generations will it take before there are no hunters left? How many times have you heard a politician say that they don’t want to take our hunting rifles? However, if there is no hunting, they’d no longer be “hunting rifles.” We are fighting an evil, anti-constitution, anti-American enemy.

When Hunter Nation was founded, our core principles were God, Family, County, the Constitution and the Hunting Lifestyle. We listed God first because God should be first in everything we do. I am extremely proud and excited that Hunter Nation is starting a Faith Division. You will learn more about that in this newsletter. I sure hope you will become part of that.

There are other exciting things going on here at Hunter Nation. After several high-level meetings with the National Rifle Association, we formed a formal partnership with them to combine efforts on a nationwide Get Out The Vote initiative. This partnership was officially announced on Monday July 15, 2024, at an incredible Hunter Nation/NRA event in Wisconsin. Special guests at the event included Hunter Nation Board of Director members: Rock Bordelon (Chairman of the Board), Donald Trump Jr., Ted Nugent, Kris Kobach and Mark “OZ” Geist. Other guests included Congressman Tom Tiffany (WI), Congressman Jim Jordan (OH), Bill Bachenberg of the NRA, John Stubbins, and many more.


I must remind you, Hunter Nation is a not-for-profit volunteer organization that is only as strong as our membership! We have a core group of dedicated hunter patriots that are volunteering countless hours, but for us to save our Lifestyle, really, to save our Country, we need your help. Please go to and become a member today. If you are already a member, please get 5 of your friends to join. Then, make sure you are registered to vote, and then, make a plan to vote. To check your registration status, or see all the updated information about the upcoming election, like registration deadlines, voting locations, early and absentee voting information, go to

Saving our country is a big but worthwhile mission, so please join us in the battle.

God Bless!


Keith Mark
Founder and President

Hunter Nation

🌟 2024 Dream Hunts Are Here! 🌟

Your Chance to Win Big While Supporting Hunter Nation!

Experience the thrill of a lifetime with our exclusive Dream Hunts! Three Bucket List Trophy Hunts for Two Hunters!! Enter to WIN an Utah Elk Hunt for Two, Texas Buffalo Hunt for Two, & Texas Red Stag Hunt for Two!

🏹 Enter Today to Make a Difference!

Your participation supports Hunter Nation's vital initiatives in Responsible Predator Management, Hunter Advocacy, and Education. By entering, you help us continue our commitment to conservation and responsible hunting.

Utah Elk Hunt for Two in Fall 2025: Traverse the landscapes of Utah in pursuit of Trophy Elk with R & K Hunting Company.

Texas Red Stag Hunt for Two in Fall 2025: Challenge yourself on the plains of Texas with a breathtaking Red Stag, presented by Pursuit Media.

Texas Buffalo Hunt for Two Hunters w/ Michael Waddell in Fall 2025: Enter Now, don't miss your chance to win this extraordinary 2-day buffalo hunt for Two in Texas. Sharing a campfire with Legendary Hunter Michael Waddell the "Bone Collector"!

All Hunt Entries include a Base Annual Membership.

👉 [Enter the Now] – Don’t miss your chance to make your hunting dreams come true and support Hunter Nation!

Hunter Nation Supports Effective Predator Management

The wolves are running wild in Colorado and Hunter Nation wants to help you keep track of the damage being done. Click here to see the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) official Confirmed Gray Wolf Depredation Information. April alone saw 6 new reports of calves and cattle being affected by unmanaged wolves in two counties.

Hunter Nation is the only national organization fighting hard every day to see the wolves delisted and the return of sound management practices by each state. This would include hunting when needed, to protect moose, elk, deer and all of our wildlife resources.

Speaking of Predator Management, Hunter Nation continues with pre-production of its upcoming Wolf War 2 documentary. If you or someone you know has a story to tell of a wolf encounter, please contact us at [email protected].

Play Video

Click here to see Hunter Nation's original Wolf War documentary.

Wisconsin Chapter Update

Our fourth event of the season was held in Medford Wisconsin. This was sponsored by the Taylor County Sportsman’s Club, and I would like to personally thank Hunter Nation member Chip Courtney for his contributions in getting this event organized. This was followed by our Hunt the Vote event at Milford Hills preceding the RNC.


Hundreds attended to hear from Congressman Tom Tiffany, Senators Mary Felzkowski & Romaine Quinn, Representatives Chanz Green & Rob Summefield along with Hunter Nation Founder Keith Mark and Wisconsin State Director Chris Vaughan

Your Voices were heard


The gray wolf in Wisconsin has fully recovered - Period.

Our previous wolf management plan was successful with a numeric population goal of 350 wolves in our state. Why are wolves still listed?

Despite what our critics say, we are not here to advocate for the complete removal or an unregulated open season to kill every wolf in the state. We are here to be your voice in the challenging process to get the gray wolf off the Endangered Species List, place in the states control with a numeric population goal so the DNR can place an accurate quota for a constituently protected wolf hunt.



Hosted by Hunter Nation and the NRA, members were invited to this free lunch to hear from and meet Donald Trump Jr, Ted & Shemane Nugent, US Representatives Tom Tiffany (WI) and Jim Jordan (OH), Mark “OZ” Geist and many more. Stay tuned and become a member today as we have more events coming soon.


These events are important as we continue our work for you as the United Voice of the Wisconsin Hunter

Wisconsin Wolf Watch

Wolf attacks and depredation on pets, livestock, and hunting dogs are increasing daily and we desperately need an affective manage tool to control this apex predator. You spoke and we not only heard you, Hunter Nation worked tirelessly on your behalf. We supported Wisconsin Representative, Tom Tiffany (WI-7) and his “Trust the Science” bill, that calls for the delisting of the gray wolf, with no judicial review. With Hunter Nation’s support and effort, that bill was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last month. The bill is now in the U.S. Senate and Hunter Nation is again working hard to make this much needed, science-based conservation legislation, the law of the land. Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has already committed to help pass the bill. However, he can’t do it alone. Hunter Nation needs your help to get this bill passed!



Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin may ultimately cast the deciding vote.  I’m asking you to reach out to her and let her know that as a Wisconsin hunter, this is an important issue to you and your family. Let her know that Wisconsin had the lowest gun hunting deer harvest in recorded history, in 2023, due to the unmanaged wolf population.  Tell her any negative personal experiences you have had with your livestock, pets or children because of the exploding wolf population.  Also, let her know that you are aware she is up for reelection in November and that you will be voting in that election.  You can reach her at her Senate office at 202-224-5653.  Tell her that Hunter Nation asked you to call!

Additionally, your voice can be heard by reaching out below.

Senator Tammy Baldwin

Topic – Federal Delisting of Wisconsin Wolves

Subject – H.R. 764 Trust the Science Act
Message – I urge you to take action and vote for H.R. 764 Trust the Science Act which passed the House with bipartisan support and now awaits consideration in the Senate.

This legislation follows the scientific recommendation of wildlife experts proving that the gray wolf has fully recovered and should be removed from the Endangered Species Act. Under the successful previous wolf management plan, the population of wolves here in Wisconsin has conservatively grown by 300%. Populations are thriving to a point where they have become a threat to wildlife, livestock, pets, and humans. Trust the Science Act removes the judicial review process which will keep control in the state of Wisconsin and not in the hands of out of state judges. This bill follows the tenets of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation which will ensure we have a healthy and sustainable population not only for gray wolves, but all Wisconsin’s wildlife.

Wisconsin Impact

In 2000 Wisconsin hunters harvested over 615,293 Whitetail Deer, in 2023 the deer harvest is currently under 300,000.

248 wolves in 2000 have grown to over 1,000 today that is 300%.

The 2023 firearms season was the lowest on record, statewide deer harvest was down nearly 20% from 2022.

2000 thru 2008 - 486,274 Avg Deer Harvest

2009 thru 2023 - 325,225 Avg. Deer Harvest

That is an average of 161,045 (33%) fewer Deer Harvested since Since 2008 when the Wolf population exceeded 550.


Hunter Nation applauds the Wisconsin Senate for its vote to override Governor Tony Evers’ veto of Senate Bill 139


Hunter Nation’s Chairman of the Board, Rock Bordelon, stated, “Today was a victory for Wisconsin hunters. But, to prevent another veto by the Governor, it’s going to take a bipartisan effort in the Assembly to reach the 2/3 vote total needed.”

On March 29, 2024, Governor Evers vetoed this bill in its entirety. Attempting to justify his veto, the Governor stated in part, “I object to requiring the department to establish a numeric population goal for wolves, as this does not consider the social, scientific, biological, and legal complexities of a recovered wolf population.”

SB 139 states:

“If the wolf is not listed on the federal endangered list and is not listed on the state endangered list, the department shall allow the hunting and trapping of wolves, shall regulate such hunting and trapping as provided in this section, and shall implement a wolf management plan that establishes a statewide wolf population goal. In regulating wolf hunting and trapping, the department may limit the number of wolf hunters and trappers and the number of wolves that may be taken by issuing wolf harvesting licenses.”

“On behalf of our members and the overwhelming majority of hunters in Wisconsin, Hunter Nation would like to thank Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu for his leadership in bringing this important issue back to the Senate floor,” stated Hunter Nation’s Wisconsin state director, Chris Vaughan.

“Wildlife conservation issues should never be based on partisan politics,” stated Keith Mark, Founder and President of Hunter Nation. “I encourage democrats and republicans alike, in the Wisconsin Assembly, to recognize that the previous wolf management plan, which included a numeric population goal, was incredibly successful and the wolf has fully recovered. Therefore, they should vote ‘yes’ on SB 139,” concluded Mark.

Chris Vaughan
Hunter Nation Wisconsin State Director
[email protected]

Hunter Pride 365 Annual Membership $ 177.60

Hunter Nation members are hardworking patriots from all walks of life and backgrounds who are bound together by our hunting lifestyle, who are concerned about many critical issues facing our country today -- including the threat to our hunting heritage. We truly believe our success, really the future of America, will be determined by action of the American Hunters in all 50 states. Hunters have always been exceptional care takers of their families and maintained peace in their own backyards, but historically have not been active or vocal about their opinions of American politics and the leaders we have elected into office. However, it is these leaders who want to destroy our lifestyle and the America we love.

Today, we challenge the American Hunter to be vocal, be active, and become a participant in politics in their local communities. In order to do this, the first step is to commit to be part of something bigger than ourselves, by joining Hunter Nation. Together, an army of hunters, can accomplish anything. This includes having a positive impact on laws and regulations directly impacting our lifestyle and beliefs, and having a big say-so in who our elected officials are: from local school boards all the way up the ladder to the President of the United States. We challenge you to prove you are proud to be a hunter, and proud to be a patriot!

Lately, there have been a lot of people showing their pride for this, that or the other thing in American society. The time is now for hunters to step forward and say they are proud to be a hunter patriot 365 days a year. If you are not a Hunter Nation member already, please become a “Hunter Pride 365” member. If you are already a member, thank you, and please show your “Hunter Pride 365” by buying a shirt!

Hunter Nation was founded with the goal to be the united voice of the American hunter and to protect not only our hunting lifestyle and heritage, but all of our Traditional American Values. Join our 100s of members nationwide and tell us how you plan to show your Hunter Pride 365!

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