Hunters Win Big – to the Tune of 1.4 Million!

Thanks to the efforts of the Trump Administration, Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) hunters stand to gain access to an additional 1.4 million acres of public lands nationwide. A Hunter Nation source confirms that hunters and fisherman will gain increased access to ...
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Luke Hilgemann Joins Hunter Nation

Hunter Nation CEO, Mark DeYoung announced today the addition of Luke Hilgemann to the staff of Hunter Nation as a Senior Vice President. “I am very pleased that Luke has chosen to join Hunter Nation” said Hunter Nation’s CEO Mark DeYoung. “Having served as the CEO of a large grassroots ...
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A Call for Unity

May 2019 My fellow hunters and proud members of Hunter Nation; the challenges facing hunters are increasing again this year with state level anti-hunting legislation popping up from coast to coast. Now more than ever hunters must unite with a loud and common voice to resist and defeat attacks on ...
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Help Support Wolf Delisting

May 14th 2019 IS THE LAST DAY FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS ON WOLF DELISTING! Long before Hunter Nation existed, co-founder Keith Mark was fighting the Wolf War. Check out what three US Senators had to say about the topic in 2013 and learn why they appreciated our partners at BigGame Forever way ...
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Don’t Risk The 2nd Amendment

Those of us that hunt and believe deeply in Traditional American Values understand the importance of protecting our 2nd Amendment right “to keep and bear arms!” As hunters, we know how our guns help put food on our tables and as free Americans we understand how our personal right to ...
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New Access to Public Lands

It seems like every time you turn around the Left is trying to pass some law to take our guns or make it more difficult for us to enjoy our hunting lifestyle.  This is why all hunters and conservationists should be celebrating after seeing the new public lands bill recently ...
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The Future of Hunting Must Start Now!

If anyone is looking for a healthy dose of truth and logic these days on the topic of hunting, the best place to turn is Ted Nugent.  Ted has been celebrating and promoting the benefits of living a hunting lifestyle for decades.  What makes Ted Nugent unique is that he ...
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SCI Joins Hunter Nation

Hunter Nation CEO, Mark DeYoung announced Safari Club International is the latest hunting/conservation organization to join Hunter Nation’s efforts to unite hunters and the hunting industry. Hunter Nation’s stated mission is to protect traditional American values of God, Family, Country, Hunting and Conservation. In its first year of operation, Hunter ...
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Hunter Nation Announces Mark DeYoung as CEO

Hunter Nation, non-profit organization committed to wildlife conservation, multi-use public lands, and educating State and National legislators on the vital role hunting plays in our Nation’s wildlife management and conservation systems, has selected Mark DeYoung as CEO. “Mark is a proven and respected leader within the shooting sports, outdoor recreation, ...
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Opposition to Oregon Governor Brown's Gun Control Bill

Office of the Governor Attn: Governor Kate Brown 900 Court Street NE, Suite 254 Salem, OR 97301-4047 Phone: (503) 378-4582 Dear Governor Brown! By way of introduction, Hunter Nation is a grass roots organization whose mission is to preserve and protect our Traditional American Values, including God, Family, Country, Hunting ...
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