Trophies Are Memories Are Trophies

by Ted Nugent    Ah, life goes on! Work hard, play hard, try-hard, rock hard, hunt hard, and I love every minute of it. I just went for a long, adventurous walk in the woods with my dogs here at our SpiritWild Ranch home in Texas, and made it a point ...
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Late Season Deer Hunting at its Best

by Ted Nugent Well, it’s just Texas and Arkansas now, where die-hard deer hunters continue our passion for the hunt well into the winter months. Both Texas and Arkansas have deer seasons that go all the way to the end of February, and as a proud Texan, I for one ...
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Hunter Nation Launches Nationwide Grassroots Campaign on Predator Management

Wolves Kill! Those two words will come as no shock to most of you reading this, but for the campers who nearly lost their lives in Northern Minnesota and Banff National Forest to wolf attacks - the idea of being physically attacked by a wolf was probably the last thing ...
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Hey Hunting Industry, Turn On The Life Support Already

Hunter participation plummeting! Hunter numbers down! Conservation Revenues at all-time lows! Hunting license sales at all-time lows! Sharpshooters hired to reduce deer numbers! A record number of nuisance bear complaints! The doom and gloom, end of times headlines for hunting in America are everywhere! And all for absolutely ridiculous, nonsensical ...
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Good-bye My Dear Hunting Brother John

by Ted Nugent I want you to know my younger brother John. He died this week at the age of 66, and the Nugent family is in a whirlwind of heartbreak. I’m not sure I can even get through this tribute to him. If ever there was a glowing, positive ...
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Merry Christmas – Because it’s OK to say that again!

December 2019 Hunter Nation Members, As you gather with your family and friends to celebrate the miraculous birth of our Lord and Savior during the season of Christmas this week, we here at Hunter Nation wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a blessed and joyous New Year! ...
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Mark DeYoung Passes Hunter Nation CEO Torch to Luke Hilgemann

Hunter Nation announced today that Mark DeYoung has resigned as CEO and board member, Luke Hilgemann, has been named as his replacement effective immediately. “I came out of retirement to accept an unpaid CEO role with Hunter Nation with the intent of a relatively short tenure focused on helping the ...
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God-given Freedoms and Outdoor Traditions

November 2019 Hunter Nation Members, November is a month where we celebrate Thanksgiving with food, family, and friends. Here at Hunter Nation, we are thankful for the God-given freedoms and outdoor traditions that have shaped this land since the arrival of the pilgrims. Those early pioneers sought religious freedom and ...
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Know Dick Mauch

by Ted Nugent Each day afield during this glorious fall hunting season, like every glorious fall hunting season, my mind is aflutter with stream of consciousness adventure. Surely, the here and now of each hunt is compelling and obsessive in our indefatigable quest to connect with the spirits of the ...
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Gun Control Plans Would Wreck Wildlife Conservation

WAKE UP AMERICA Some of our fellow citizens and elected public officials are either poorly informed when it comes to how important hunting is to wildlife conservation; or, they are willing to erase 100 years of wildlife and habitat successes to further restrict firearm and ammunition sales. Politicians need to ...
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