Hunter Nation Newsletter
MAY 2024

Hello all!

It has been a busy time here at Hunter Nation. We have been working hard on behalf of our members, and to protect the rights of all hunters and our hunting lifestyle. I am pleased to tell you that we are on quite a roll and have enjoyed some recent significant legislative victories. Let me start with an update on Hunter Nation’s efforts to get the gray wolf delisted from the Endangered Species List. Last month I reported that Rock Bordelon, HN’s Chairman of the Board, and I spent some time in Wisconsin with Congressman Tom Tiffany, who was one of the sponsors of the “Trust the Science” bill that called for the delisting of the gray wolf, without judicial review.

 Hunter Nation Founder Keith Mark, Rep. Tom Tiffany & Hunter Nation Chairman of the Board Rock Bordelon meeting in Wisconsin

Last week, the “Trust the Science” bill came to a vote in the US House of Representatives.  This much needed pro-hunting, pro-conservation legislation passed with a bipartisan 209-205 vote!


Make no mistake about it, Hunter Nation is the group who is putting time and money into this effort to get the gray wolf delisted. I was proud when the bill's sponsor, Representative Tiffany, gave HN a special thank you!

However, there is still much hard work ahead of us if we are going to get this bill through the US Senate.  The current Senate bill calls for a delisting in the Great Lakes region only, which would leave out all other impacted states, and those soon to be impacted, like: Utah, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Kansas, Nebraska, etc.  Plus, the current Senate bill does not include the needed “No Judicial Review” language.

It is critically important that any bill passed in the Senate include that language to prevent so-called animal rights groups from continuously filing lawsuits and having liberal activist federal judges decide wildlife conservation issues with emotion instead of with science. If you would like to help HN’s efforts to get the gray wolf delisted, please become a member, and consider a donation, big or small, to help our efforts.  Or, enter to win one of our incredible 2024 dream hunts!

We have had some other successes and are working on other pro-hunting legislation in other states. Later in the newsletter you will hear what’s going on in Kansas. You will get a Wisconsin update from our WI state director, Chris Vaughan, and a Pennsylvania update from our PA state director, John Bingaman. We have a social media update from Brittany Jill and a media update from HN brand manager, Tim Lamar. Plus, some surprises, so keep reading.

I appreciate all your help and support. Please get a friend or two to join Hunter Nation and consider a financial donation. We are a grassroots organization that is making a huge impact, but still need all the help we can get.

I hope you and your families have a wonderful Mother’s Day Weekend! Hunter Nation wishes special blessings to all the mothers out there, and prayers for all our deceased mothers including Deloris Rae Mark and Betty Magochy!

God Bless!


Keith Mark
Founder and President

Hunter Nation

🌟 2024 Dream Hunts Are Here! 🌟

Your Chance to Win Big While Supporting Hunter Nation!

Experience the thrill of a lifetime with our exclusive Dream Hunts! Three Bucket List Trophy Hunts for Two Hunters!! Enter to WIN a Utah Elk Hunt for Two, Texas Red Stag Hunt for Two, & Texas 150" Class Whitetail Deer Hunt for Two!

🏹 Enter Today to Make a Difference!

Your participation supports Hunter Nation's vital initiatives in Responsible Predator Management, Hunter Advocacy, and Education. By entering, you help us continue our commitment to conservation and responsible hunting.

Utah Elk Hunt for Two in Fall 2025: Traverse the landscapes of Utah in pursuit of Trophy Elk with R & K Hunting Company.

Texas Red Stag Hunt for Two in Fall 2024: Challenge yourself on the plains of Texas with a breathtaking Red Stag, presented by Pursuit Media.

Texas 150" Class Whitetail Deer Hunt for Two in Fall 2024: Aim for the extraordinary with a top-tier Whitetail Deer hunt, personally sponsored by legendary hunter Jack Brittingham!

All Hunt Entries include a Base Annual Membership.

👉 [Enter the Now] – Don’t miss your chance to make your hunting dreams come true and support Hunter Nation!

Hunter Nation Supports Effective Predator Management

The wolves are running wild in Colorado and Hunter Nation wants to help you keep track of the damage being done. Click here to see the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) official Confirmed Gray Wolf Depredation Information. April alone saw 6 new reports of calves and cattle being affected by unmanaged wolves in two counties.

Hunter Nation is the only national organization fighting hard every day to see the wolves delisted and the return of sound management practices by each state. This would include hunting when needed, to protect moose, elk, deer and all of our wildlife resources.

Speaking of Predator Management, Hunter Nation continues with pre-production of its upcoming Wolf War 2 documentary. If you or someone you know has a story to tell of a wolf encounter, please contact us at [email protected].

Play Video

Click here to see Hunter Nation's original Wolf War documentary.

Hunter Nation’s spokesman, Ted Nugent is looking to reunite with our founder, Keith Mark and bring back their wildly popular podcast, The Nightly Nuge later this summer. If that wasn’t exciting enough, the two plan to expand the concept to include a 30-minute TV show which would air on The Pursuit Channel.


In addition to salty takes on current events you’ve come to expect from The Nightly Nuge, this new program will feature the biggest names in outdoor television with tips, tricks, and insider information that every hunter will want to know. This new show will also feature viewer-submitted content highlighting some of the incredible things that only happen in nature.

Sponsorship opportunities still exist so contact [email protected] if you or someone you know would like more information on how to become a part of this new program that is sure to be a hit.

Kansas Chapter Update

Hunter Nation scores two huge victories in Kansas.

May 2024 marks the end of a year-long crusade to uphold hunting rights in Kansas. Hunter Nation was at the center of two massive victories. It began in June 2023 when the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission made clear in a public meeting that it intended to eventually end deer feeding in Kansas, using CWD as an excuse. The commissioners were ignoring all the evidence indicating that CWD is not tied to the existence of deer feeding. Indeed, CWD rates are the highest in states that ban deer feeding. In addition, the commissioners were ignoring the significant evidence that deer feeding improves the health of the herd by increasing the amount of available food in winter.


In the summer of 2023, Hunter Nation mobilized.  Hunter Nation sent out a mailing to hunters across the state of Kansas, urging them to show up at commission meetings and share the facts with the commissioners. The result was standing room only commission meetings, with dozens of deer hunters lined up at the microphone to inform commissioners of the truth. As a result of this Hunter Nation effort, the commission backed off its campaign to ban deer feeding. 

As the first battle was ending, a new battle began. The leadership of Hunter Nation recognized that additional bad decisions would continue to be made by the commission if nothing was done. The poor decision making was in part the product of the commission’s structure. Kansas law gave all seven seats on the commission to the governor. Thus, the governor appointed both the secretary of the agency and all members of the commission. Consequently, virtually every commission vote was unanimous in favor of the secretary’s recommendation, without any serious discussion or dissent. Worse, four of the current seven commissioners had never even deer hunted. Yet they were making regulations that would significantly affect deer hunting policies in Kansas for generations to come.

Determined to solve the problem, Hunter Nation supported a bill that would change the composition of the commission. Again, we sent out a mailer to Kansas hunters and they responded by showing up in force at the Kansas capital to support proposed legislation to change the commission. 

The result was HB 2530, which the Kansas legislature passed at the end of April 2024. Governor Laura Kelly signed the bill earlier this month.  This will allow four of the seats on the commission will be selected by the Governor. One will be selected by the Speaker of the House, one will be selected by the President of the Senate, and one will be selected by the Attorney General. This reform will bring broader hunting experience and a wider diversity of viewpoints to the commission. Hunter Nation succeeded in making the great hunting state of Kansas even greater.


Pennsylvania Update

The Youth/Mentor Spring Gobbler Season in Pennsylvania was held on April 27, 2024. All accounts are that it was a very successful hunt for many youths in Penns Woods. Here is a picture of Hunter Nation member Matt Argot's son Arik. Congratulations to Arik and all the youths who participated in the hunt.


The general opener of the Spring Gobbler Season was on May 4, 2024. It was a wet and rainy morning, but there were many successful hunters. Here is Hunter Nation, Pennsylvania Regional Director, Mike Fetterman and his girlfriend, Kerri Savage, with a couple wet, opening day long beards or as Mike refers to them, Thunder Chickens. Matt and Arik have also been successful since the general opener. Matt filled a tag, and Arik filled his second tag.

Hunter Nation Pennsylvania is fully engaged in getting Sunday Hunting Bills passed in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and the Pennsylvania Senate. We could use the support of all Pennsylvania hunters by contacting their State Representatives and State Senators and voicing support for SB67 and HB2106.

John Bingaman
Hunter Nation Pennsylvania State Director
[email protected]

Wisconsin Chapter Update

Spring started with another Hunter Nation meeting in northern Wisconsin. Park Falls was the host to our fourth event this year. Thank you to our volunteers and the hundreds that showed up in support of our mission.


Senators Stafsholt and Quinn, Representative Green and Jim Miller from Congressman Tom Tiffany’s office

Your Voices were heard


While predator management is at the forefront of what we are currently engaged in, this was an open forum opportunity to discuss predators, our whitetail deer herd and all wildlife management needs in our state with elected officials.


Next Listening Session Event

I am excited to announce our next event will be held on
Tuesday June 18th in Medford at the Simek Event Center at 5:30pm.
Sponsored by the Taylor County Sportsman’s Club, this will be another opportunity to discuss predators, whitetails, turkey, and all wildlife management opportunities in our state with Hunter Nation and your elected state legislators. 
Mark your calendar now and get there early as it will be packed!

Date: June 18, 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Location: Simek Recreation Center
Address: 1037 W Broadway Ave, Medford, WI 54451


These events are important as we continue our work for you as the United Voice of the Wisconsin Hunter


Wisconsin Wolf Watch

In February of 2023, Hunter Nation called on our members to support H.R. 764 Trust the Science Act which calls for a federal delisting WITHOUT JUDICIAL REVIEW.

After fifteen months of non-stop communication, meetings and events, our hard work has paid off and H.R. 764 Trust the Science Act passed Congress on April 30th!

Now you need to contact your U.S. Senators asking the same. Use the template below urging our Senators to support Trust the Science Act and pass it through the Senate.

Senator Ron Johnson

Senator Tammy Baldwin

Topic – Federal Delisting of Wisconsin Wolves

Subject – H.R. 764 Trust the Science Act
Message – I urge you to take action and vote for H.R. 764 Trust the Science Act which passed the House with bipartisan support and now awaits consideration in the Senate.

This legislation follows the scientific recommendation of wildlife experts proving that the gray wolf has fully recovered and should be removed from the Endangered Species Act. Under the successful previous wolf management plan, the population of wolves here in Wisconsin has conservatively grown by 300%. Populations are thriving to a point where they have become a threat to wildlife, livestock, pets, and humans.

Trust the Science Act removes the judicial review process which will keep control in the state of Wisconsin and not in the hands of out of state judges. This bill follows the tenets of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation which will ensure we have a healthy and sustainable population not only for gray wolves, but all Wisconsin’s wildlife.

Chris Vaughan
Hunter Nation Wisconsin State Director
[email protected]

Social Media News

As readers of our newsletter, you already have a front-row seat to the latest news and Hunter Nation insights. We want to share an exciting opportunity to make your experience even better – by joining us on Twitter. While we have a thriving community across all of the social media platforms, we have noticed that our Twitter page is still a hidden gem that many people still aren't taking advantage of. We believe it's time to change that and invite you to follow our page to stay up to date on the most up-to-the-minute updates, breaking news, and exclusive content that you won't find anywhere else. It's a platform that allows us to engage in real-time conversations, show off trophy photos, and share news updates the quickest.


Please, if you have a twitter page, make sure you're following us:

Brittany Jill
Hunter Nation Social Media Director

Hunter Pride 365 Annual Membership $ 177.60

Hunter Nation members are hardworking patriots from all walks of life and backgrounds who are bound together by our hunting lifestyle, who are concerned about many critical issues facing our country today -- including the threat to our hunting heritage. We truly believe our success, really the future of America, will be determined by action of the American Hunters in all 50 states. Hunters have always been exceptional care takers of their families and maintained peace in their own backyards, but historically have not been active or vocal about their opinions of American politics and the leaders we have elected into office. However, it is these leaders who want to destroy our lifestyle and the America we love.

Today, we challenge the American Hunter to be vocal, be active, and become a participant in politics in their local communities. In order to do this, the first step is to commit to be part of something bigger than ourselves, by joining Hunter Nation. Together, an army of hunters, can accomplish anything. This includes having a positive impact on laws and regulations directly impacting our lifestyle and beliefs, and having a big say-so in who our elected officials are: from local school boards all the way up the ladder to the President of the United States. We challenge you to prove you are proud to be a hunter, and proud to be a patriot!

Lately, there have been a lot of people showing their pride for this, that or the other thing in American society. The time is now for hunters to step forward and say they are proud to be a hunter patriot 365 days a year. If you are not a Hunter Nation member already, please become a “Hunter Pride 365” member. If you are already a member, thank you, and please show your “Hunter Pride 365” by buying a shirt!

Hunter Nation was founded with the goal to be the united voice of the American hunter and to protect not only our hunting lifestyle and heritage, but all of our Traditional American Values. Join our 100s of members nationwide and tell us how you plan to show your Hunter Pride 365!


  1. Stephen on May 12, 2024 at 9:08 am

    Hello. Are there any chapters or contacts for Michigan? Just wondering. Cause we too have a predator problem that the D. N. R. ( do nothing right ) denies Thank you

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