Fred Bear Day in Grayling Michigan

by Ted Nugent As I post this blog on the 5th of March, 2020, grand celebration, and substantial emotion is erupting in Grayling Michigan, and I bet here, there and everywhere across the fruited plains, as we celebrate the birthday of our friend, hero, master bowhunter, legendary conservationist and Spirit BloodBrother, Mr. Fred Bear. Fred…

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Wolves At The Door

All God’s creatures have their place, and in the real world, co-existing with mankind, a healthy, survival-based balance must be struck to maintain viable populations of all predators and prey alike.
The jury is not still out on what that balance should and must look like, which is why we don’t, or at least, shouldn’t, allow populations of dangerous predators to live in our neighborhoods.
We love the wild creatures, but we love our children and families even more.

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Trophies Are Memories Are Trophies

by Ted Nugent    Ah, life goes on! Work hard, play hard, try-hard, rock hard, hunt hard, and I love every minute of it. I just went for a long, adventurous walk in the woods with my dogs here at our SpiritWild Ranch home in Texas, and made it a point to go slow as if…

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Late Season Deer Hunting at its Best

by Ted Nugent Well, it’s just Texas and Arkansas now, where die-hard deer hunters continue our passion for the hunt well into the winter months. Both Texas and Arkansas have deer seasons that go all the way to the end of February, and as a proud Texan, I for one couldn’t be happier. I don’t…

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Hey Hunting Industry, Turn On The Life Support Already

Hunter participation plummeting! Hunter numbers down! Conservation Revenues at all-time lows! Hunting license sales at all-time lows! Sharpshooters hired to reduce deer numbers! A record number of nuisance bear complaints! The doom and gloom, end of times headlines for hunting in America are everywhere! And all for absolutely ridiculous, nonsensical reasons as far as I’m…

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Good-bye My Dear Hunting Brother John

by Ted Nugent I want you to know my younger brother John. He died this week at the age of 66, and the Nugent family is in a whirlwind of heartbreak. I’m not sure I can even get through this tribute to him. If ever there was a glowing, positive force of nature, it was…

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Know Dick Mauch

by Ted Nugent Each day afield during this glorious fall hunting season, like every glorious fall hunting season, my mind is aflutter with stream of consciousness adventure. Surely, the here and now of each hunt is compelling and obsessive in our indefatigable quest to connect with the spirits of the beasts, but the clarity of…

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