The federal government wants to close 60 million acres in Alaska

Tomorrow in Alaska, a telemeeting will be held to discuss closing 60 million acres of federal public land in Northwest Alaska to caribou and moose hunters. The federal government is making new guidelines that will decide the difference between sport and subsistence hunting by location of residence, not by motivations. Therefore, if you are a…

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Action Alert: Expand Hunting Rights in Montana

Should disabled veterans be allowed to hunt with accommodations on the land they fought and sacrificed for? Do you think Montana should allow the disabled community the right to hunt and enjoy the outdoor lifestyle too? If you answered yes, we need you to take action now. Senate Bill 111, a bill allowing disabled veterans…

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Vermont Hunters: Act Now Before Bear Hunting Rights Are Destroyed

Four anti-hunting bills are being considered in the Vermont legislature that would severely restrict the practice of hunting bears with hounds in Vermont. If passed, these new rules around bear hunting with hounds – including keeping your dog in sight at all times and ensuring your dog does not ever cross into private property without…

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Hunt The Vote – Final Results and Impact

Our final data compilation from the 2020 election was completed at the end of March. This data revealed that Hunt the Vote’s efforts to turn out hunters who were new or very infrequent—“low-propensity”—voters was resoundingly successful. In 2020, Hunt The Vote activated an astounding 464,000 hunters in eight key states who had never voted or…

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