Hunter Nation: America’s leading grassroots hunting organization mobilizes 300,000 Wisconsin Hunters in support of Dan Kelly

Grassroots hunting advocacy group invests in a six-figure digital ad buy and grassroots campaign featuring celebrity rock star and hunter, Ted Nugent. Mission, KS – Hunter Nation, Inc. is making a strong final push in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race to support Daniel Kelly. The group has committed six figures for a combined issue advocacy…

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Hunter Nation Ambassador of the Month: Jana Waller

Hunter Nation Ambassador of the Month: Jana Waller Jana Waller – Skull Bound Chronicles How did you get into hunting? Who helped you get into hunting? My Dad Paul encouraged me to get outdoors and into nature. He let me shadow him in the duck blinds as a grade schooler and signed me up for…

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is targeting our Ammo!

First they tried to come for our guns. Now? They want our ammo! The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced they’re moving forward with yet another overreaching regulation that would prohibit the use of lead ammunition and fishing tackle on certain federal lands. This cannot stand! Government bureaucrats sitting behind a desk in Washington claim…

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Hunter Nation Ambassador of the Month: Michael Waddell

Hunter Nation Ambassador of the Month: Michael Waddell Michael Waddell – Bone Collector How did you get into hunting and who helped you get into hunting? As long as I can remember I was around hunting, fishing, and simple country living. I grew up super country. I didn’t even realize that it was possible to…

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Hunter Nation Foundation Responds to Maine Attorney General’s Blatant Disregard for Hunters

Hunter Nation Foundation Responds to Maine Attorney General’s Blatant Disregard for Hunters AG Frey Would Be Better Suited Defending Rights; Not Denying Them Kansas City – Following yet another politically motivated roadblock thrown out to prevent sportsmen and sportswomen in Maine from hunting on Sundays, Hunter Nation Foundation CEO Luke Hilgemann offered a blunt assessment…

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Uncle Ted – Every Arrow

We are on our way! The ritual fall games have indeed begun and the gentlemen have started their spirit engines with much aplomb! Arrows are flyin and critters are dyin, and the Great Spirit of the Wild throttles on with nonstop vim and vigor into fall 2021 as the backstraps and smiles flow like manna…

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