Know Dick Mauch

by Ted Nugent Each day afield during this glorious fall hunting season, like every glorious fall hunting season, my mind is aflutter with stream of consciousness adventure. Surely, the here and now of each hunt is compelling and obsessive in our indefatigable quest to connect with the spirits of the beasts, but the clarity of…

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Gun Control Plans Would Wreck Wildlife Conservation

WAKE UP AMERICA Some of our fellow citizens and elected public officials are either poorly informed when it comes to how important hunting is to wildlife conservation; or, they are willing to erase 100 years of wildlife and habitat successes to further restrict firearm and ammunition sales. Politicians need to understand that excise tax collections…

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Support of All Legal Hunting Methods

October 2019 Hunter Nation supports all hunting and all methods of legally harvesting game.  At a time when hunting is misunderstood and under attack around the world, we as hunters cannot continue to fight amongst ourselves.  Hunters are a proud and usually self-reliant set of individuals.  Some of us enjoy bow hunting, others long-range hunting,…

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