Ezekiel’s First Long Beard

It's a pleasure to see our kids enjoy the outdoor lifestyle and reap the benefits of their harvest. Our son, Ezekiel, was able to harvest his first turkey in Mississippi this spring during the youth turkey season. Ezekiel already harvested a whitetail deer previously, and this year harvesting a turkey ...
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Scott Carlson on Spring Turkey Season

Having manufactured choke tubes for most of my adult life, it became immediately apparent on how important it is to pattern your shotgun with the ammunition and choke you plan to use.  Everyone sights in their rifle whether it has open sights, or they put a scope on it, before ...
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Uncle Ted – 2023 Spring Has Sprung!

Spring Has Sprung! OK, I truly get this whole wonderful traditional springtime celebration of the season of renewal and all that wonderful four seasons of nature stuff, but I wonder if anyone actually celebrates it as enthusiastically as this old guitarplayer. Avidity; noun- extreme eagerness or enthusiasm Well, that not ...
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Hunter Nation Founder – Keith Mark Supports Trust the Science Act

Kansas City - Hunter Nation founder Keith Mark fully supports house bill H.R.764 to require the Secretary of the Interior to reissue regulations removing the gray wolf from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. On behalf of Hunter Nation and our thousands ...
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Hunter Nation Founder Offers Support for Crucial Deer Hunting Legislation in North Dakota

Biskark, ND - Hunter Nation founder Keith Mark submitted testimony today in support of a bill being considered by the North Dakota state legislature that would prohibit the state from banning the baiting of deer while hunting. The legislation, authored by state Rep. Paul Thomas, would effectively prevent unelected officials ...
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Hunter Nation Calls for New Jersey Black Bear Hunt to be Restored

Kansas City - Hunter Nation, the country's fastest-growing hunting organization dedicated to protecting and defending the rights of hunters in all 50 states, called today for immediate action to restore black bear hunting in the state of New Jersey. The group's call follows a move by the state's Department of ...
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North Dakota anti-hunting bait ban

The anti-hunting forces are back at it again! This time, our hunting brothers and sisters in North Dakota need our help. The North Dakota Game and Fish Department has moved to implement a completely over-the-top baiting ban in the state. Under these new restrictions, hunting land located along the Red ...
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Help Stop Biden Administration from Banning Lead Ammo on Federal Public Lands!

We need your help to stop Joe Biden from banning lead ammo on federal public lands! Recently, the Biden administration released a new rule on phasing out the use of traditional lead ammunition in certain wildlife refuges. This ban would decrease hunting opportunities and make it more costly for hunters ...
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Hunter Nation CEO Sets Sights on Sunday Hunting Ban in Latest Visit to Maine

Reed Plantation, ME - Doubling down on the group's efforts to overturn the state's archaic ban on Sunday hunting, Hunter Nation CEO Luke Hilgemann recently traveled to Maine to meet with some of the state's top policymakers. The trip marks the latest in a series of efforts by the grassroots ...
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Pennsylvania Action Alert – Expand Sales of Deer Licenses

Right now, there is a bill moving through the process that would allow for expanded sales of antlerless deer licenses - making them available for purchase from any license agent, not just county treasurers. Unfortunately, last Saturday, the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners delayed advancement of this important proposal. That's ...
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