An Old Hunting Story – Part 2 – A Near Death Experience

TALES FROM WHEAT CREEK An Old Hunting Story – Part 2 – A Near Death Experience “A Near Death Experience” This is a continuation of “An Old Hunting Story” I recommend you start at the beginning! For an entire week, all I could think about was John and his amazing story.  When I told my…

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An Old Hunting Story – Part 3 – John’s Farm

TALES FROM WHEAT CREEK An Old Hunting Story – Part 3 John’s Farm This is a continuation of “An Old Hunting Story” I recommend you start at the beginning! It’s been a while since I last wrote one of these “Tales From Wheat Creek” stories. I have had a few health problems, myself, that I…

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An Old Hunting Story – Part 5 – Christmas

TALES FROM WHEAT CREEK An Old Hunting Story – Part 5 “Christmas” This is a continuation of “An Old Hunting Story” I recommend you start at the beginning! It has been a while since I last updated you about my friend, John. After we took him home for a special Thanksgiving, John seemed to gain…

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The Season of Time

TALES FROM WHEAT CREEK The Season of Time As I sit here in my tree stand, I can’t help but admire how beautiful the fall Kansas woods are. Fall came late this year, but as it has for each of my sixty-three years, it did arrive. One thing for certain, fall will always follow summer,…

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TALES FROM WHEAT CREEK A Perfect Dream This is a continuation from An Old Hunting Story” parts one and two followed by “John’s Farm” and “John Goes Home for Thanksgiving”. I recommend you read those stories first! It was one of those fall-summer days that the old-timers like to talk about.  The calendar says it’s fall, but the weather…

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A Great Florida Hunting Story

TALES FROM WHEAT CREEK A Great Florida Hunting Story (With a sad ending) I love the way our hunting traditions get passed down from generation to generation.  That’s how it happened in my life.  Both of my Grandfathers hunted.  My Dad and all of my Uncles hunted.  I started hunting at a very early age,…

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Teach them Right

TALES FROM WHEAT CREEK Teach them Right It happened so fast that all I could do was act instinctively.  As I came around the corner into the dimly lit alley, I saw my partner kneeling over a teenage-looking boy, who appeared to be injured.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a hooded…

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Welcome 2022 A bowhunter’s resolutions!

TALES FROM WHEAT CREEK Welcome 2022 A bowhunter’s resolutions! As I head into a New Year, I always look back to assess what I did right and where I missed the Mark.  (Pun intended!)  Also, like most of us, I try to make some realistic resolutions that I can, and will, live up to.  This…

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