Uncle Ted – Say HALLELUJAH for the Season of Cleansing!

Take a long, deep breath my friends! THE magic, soulcleansing seasonOharvest has finally returned! It is the fall hunting season, and suddenly the world is AOK once again!

Praise The Lord like you mean it!

Having just wrapped up the most intense, firebreathing crazyFUN rockNroll tour of my life, I join you in this nutzo world as a prime candidate who desperately needs to cleanse my soul in God’s perfect sanctuary of nature as a hands-on reasoning predator participant!

Lord have mercy! Thank God we are hunters!

Unleash the hunt hounds and let the hunt begin!

The Spirit of the Wild energy in the cooling autumn air is palpable, (well, maybe not in Texas and Arizona!) and our purest of instincts powerfully call us to the woods, fields, mountains, swamps and healing wildgrounds of the annual sacred hunt!

So many of my buddies are out West and up in the Great North chasing elk, pronghorn, caribou, moose, mule deer, blacktail deer, whitetail deer, mountain goats, wild sheep, grizzly bears and black bears, ducks, geese, grouse, woodcock, squirrels, doves, sandhill cranes and glorious big and small game from God’s miraculous renewable pantry.

With early whitetail seasons erupting here and there, I have already launched a few mystical flights of my own arrows and have harvested a number of the life giving backstrap rocketfuel for the soul myself!

In this mortifying, ugly world of runaway government corruption and criminality, the untrustworthy and insane dishonesty of the media trashing the 1st Amendment, now more than ever do we the conservation families of America need to escape all the heartbreaking negatives to swandive headfirst into the ultimate positives of nature.

Just walking to my treestand in the dark of the morning brings such a flood of pure happiness, that I often wonder if any nonhunter has ever felt such relief and peace.

My daily rituals of checking stands, finalizing my foodplots and supplemental feeding maneuvers, working my beloved dogs, shooting my new Mathews Image bow, double checking the zero of my firearms and just being out there scouting and looking, brings me such complete inner joy that it is hard to describe to the nonhunter.

This will be my 75th glorious year on the good earth, and I am delighted beyond words that I have never missed a year of hunting. Now I admit, I didn’t actually hunt in those first few years at the Nugent hunting camp, but thank God I was there, and surely the Spirit of the Wild imprinted definitively on my soul, spirit and conscience that this was God’s plan for me.

We might have unlimited and rather incredible advanced technology in our guns, ammo, bows, arrows, optics, clothing, and all that amazing electronic gear, but when it comes right down to the predator strategy of right place, right time, I feel our sacred time in the wild is not unlike the essence of the original hunter from time immemorial.

The unique stimuli of thoughtful, reasoning, conscientious, dedicated predatorship is so all consuming when engaged fully, that the world of the hunter takes on a pure, truly out-of-body higher level of awareness that transports us to a very different, and much better place than the modern world we live in otherwise.

Think of the sheer, bombastic volume of my musical life as compared to the peaceful sounds of nature in my treestand.

The hustle and bustle of everyday can totally vanish in a moment when in the great outdoors.

May The Great Spirit be at your side every day afield this season, and may your arrows and bullets and shot fly true. May your Spirit campfires glow bright and warm on you and your families and friends, and may God’s miraculous healing powers of nature bring you peace, joy, happiness and much protein!

Good hunting forever one and all!



  1. Scot Zimmerman on October 26, 2023 at 2:57 pm

    Well said & thank you and your lovely Queen. I am the King although I report to my Queen. God Bless from Ohio.

  2. Bob Blevins on November 23, 2023 at 7:30 am

    Thankfully I have enjoyed a Friendship with Ted since the 70’s. We have shared Camp Sites and Food Plots. I truly appreciate his knowledge and understanding of our wonderful Hunting Opportunities. I am equally impressed with the efforts of Hunter Nation to unify Hunters to be aware of what is occurring today across this Great Nation.
    My Wife of 60 Years and I moved to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan nearly 20 Years ago to enjoy the Peace and Quiet along with the Serenity of Hunting and Fishing. Sadly the Wolf Population has Greatly depleted our Deer Population. It is Sad to Note: The Likelihood of Hunting Returning to what it Once Was…..during my Lifetime will not occur.

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