Live Post Presidential Debate Discussion

Live Post Presidential Debate Discussion Keith Mark hosts a Virtual Campfire with Ted Nugent and confirmed special guests include: Shemane Nugent, Mark “OZ” Geist, Kris Kobach, Cuz Strickland, Rock Bordelon, and Grant Stinchfield. Live | June 27, 2024

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Ted Nugent Joins Brannon Howse And General Flynn For The Patriot TV Launch Event

Ted Nugent Joins Brannon Howse And General Flynn For The Patriot TV Launch Event Hunter Nation Spokesperson – Ted Nugent is actively advocating daily for the rights of hunters and gun owners, engaging in political activism to defend our rights. Watch Uncle Ted alongside Brannon Howse and General Flynn as they discuss various topics…

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Uncle Ted – 2023 Spring Has Sprung!

Spring Has Sprung! OK, I truly get this whole wonderful traditional springtime celebration of the season of renewal and all that wonderful four seasons of nature stuff, but I wonder if anyone actually celebrates it as enthusiastically as this old guitarplayer. Avidity; noun- extreme eagerness or enthusiasm Well, that not only identifies my approach to…

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Hunter Nation Ambassador of the Month: Ted Nugent

Hunter Nation Ambassador of the Month: Ted Nugent How did you get into hunting and who helped you get into hunting? I was born in a hunting family in 1948, where everybody in Michigan was a hunter and many were discovering the great Fred Bear. So, the mystical flight of the arrow and fascination with…

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Uncle Ted – Happy Birthday to Me!

Wow! That was quite the whirlwind funride these past flamethrowing, outrageous, crazyFUN 73 years, was it not! I’m surprised I survived the G-forces! On that lovely winter day, December 13, 1948 in the MotorCity energy storm, I launched full force into my American Dream and haven’t wasted any time looking back since, not once. Between…

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Uncle Ted – Not All Deerhunting Is The Same

My binoculars confirmed the distant movement as a much-anticipated whitetail deer. Upon close examination, it was identified as a fawn buttonbuck of the year. Even in the historical hard pressured deerwoods of Michigan, everybody knows that these little boogers are considered to be the dumbest deer in the woods. And rightly so, for compared to…

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Uncle Ted – I Love You

Love makes the world go round; So they say. And in many ways, I am sure that it does. Within our core innercircle family lives, I am sure nothing is more-true, but as hunters, we are connected quite powerfully in many ways that is everything like family. Not a day goes by that I fail…

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Uncle Ted – Happy Thanksgiving Everyday America

If I’m not mistaken (an extremely rare occurrence) I have written and published a Happy Thanksgiving piece every year for more than 30 years, and I’m raring to do it again, because giving thanks to God for this miracle of life and His spellbinding miraculous creation is the very least that we can do. I…

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Back To Texas

Well that was a spirit dazzling 70-day bowhunting whirlwind, was it not! My landrush race to huntseason 2021 was as exciting, if not moreso, then any huntseason in my 73 years! I do believe the over-the-top giddy anticipation of getting back in the Michigan bowhunting groove was a hair more electric this year than most…

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