Great American Tales - A Thanksgiving Classic
“A Thanksgiving Classic” is set in the 1950s in Wheat Creek, USA and tells the story of young boy, Mason coming of age in a time of family strife. The one day of the year Mason looks forward to the most is turned upside down and he feels lost.
Mason’s favorite holiday has always been Thanksgiving because he gets to spend the morning hunting with heroes, his dad, and his grandpa. But this year, his father’s job went away, and dad won’t be there for the hunt or the traditional family dinner.
Mason must grow up fast as he travels alone by bus and train to join his grandparents only to learn they have some troubles of their own. His family is in turmoil, but Mason is determined to do everything he can to make things right.
Gather your whole family and don’t miss this heartwarming tale of days gone by. This movie originally aired on Outdoor Channel as part of Hunter Nation founder, Keith Mark’s series, “Great American Tales” originally presented by Hunter Nation. It is a wholesome and uplifting story of traditional family values overcoming adversity.