2023 H.R. 764 proposed – Trust the Science Act
H.R. 764 – Summary: Requires the Secretary of the Interior to remove the gray wolf from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. It also prevents judicial review of the removal.
Read More2021 – Hunter Nation Wins Lawsuit Against Wisconsin DNR
Madison, Wisconsin (January 13, 2021) – This week, Hunter Nation, along with the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, won our lawsuit against the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for ignoring a state law requirement to schedule a wolf hunt this winter. A Jefferson County Circuit Court found that the Wisconsin DNR violated state law…
Read More2005 Pressure from animal rights groups, USFWS withdrew Gray Wolf delisting recommendation.
2005 Pressure from animal rights groups, USFWS withdrew delisting recommendation.
Read More2005 Federal judge moves gray wolf back to endangered from threatened.
2005 Federal judge moves gray wolf back to endangered from threatened.
Read More2004 USFWS proposed the delisting of the gray wolf from the ESA.
2003 USFWS moves gray wolf from endangered to threatened.
2002 Idaho passes the Wolf Conservation and Management Plan.
2000 Montana established conservation and wolf management plan
In 2000 Montana established conservation and management plan including wolf harvest quotas if wolves were Federally delisted and state management goals were met.
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