Arkansas Valley Cattlewomen opposed to wolf reintroduction

The Fence Post | Arkansas Valley Cattlewomen

The Arkansas Valley Cattlewomen are vehemently opposed to the reintroduction of wolves into Colorado under all circumstances. The recent reintroduction of wolves into Grand County by Colorado Parks and Wildlife was deceitful, irresponsible and negligent due to the fact that they lied to Coloradans about the history of the pack from which these wolves originated. These wolves that were introduced were from known deprecating packs of which other members of the pack were destroyed because of their livestock kills. Wolves are not extinct and have thrived in refuges where they are safe and humans and livestock are safe from them. Therefore it is completely unnecessary, reckless and shows a disregard for human life and livelihood to relocate them into our state. We hope and pray that no life, no domestic animal, and no one’s livelihood is lost because of their decision. We hope that the CPW will be honest with Coloradans before someone is violently killed. As mothers, ranchers and farmers we can’t imagine the fear a community faces when these wolves were released knowing they travel 100 miles or more, run in packs and kill for sport.