Hunter Nation Salutes Reps Tiffany And Boebert For Wolf Delisting Legislation

Hunter Nation, is celebrating the efforts of Representatives Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Tom Tiffany (R-WI) for their wildlife management legislation, H.R. 764, known as, the “Trust The Science Act”. The legislation mandates the delisting of the gray wolf from the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This delisting would effectively return the management of the gray wolf to state lawmakers and state wildlife officials. The legislation would also prevent judicial review of the legislative action. The bill passed out of the House Natural Resources Committee last week and demonstrates that science can trump politics on this critical conservation issue.

Keith Mark, Hunter Nation’s founder and CEO, had this to say about the legislation: “Hunter Nation salutes Representatives Tiffany and Boebert, as well as the other members on the House Natural Resources Committee who voted in support of this must needed legislation. Each state is far better suited to manage their own wildlife, as opposed to the federal government. However, the best part of the legislation is the provision that would prevent judicial review of the legislative action. For far too long anti-hunting and radical animal rights groups have made millions of dollars challenging wildlife management in court. The time has come to end that money making scam and start managing wildlife based on sound science and protect the long honored American tradition of hunting.”

Don Peay, the founder of Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife and long-time champion of sound wildlife management in Utah, and other western states, stated: “A lot of hard work and expense has gone into creating abundant wildlife populations in my home state of Utah, and other western states. The positive impact these wildlife management successes have had on local and state economies has been substantial. If the wolf is left unmanaged due to orders from activist judges, all these conservation successes will be lost in a few short years.” Peay added, “Tom Tiffany, Ryan Zinke and Lauren Boebert of true champions of sound wildlife management!”